Pool Party Decorations

While the pool areas cannot be reserved for any event, Woodbury residents are allowed up to six (6) outside guests per household. If you would like to set up decorations at any of the pools for a special event, you MUST fill out the Party Decoration Form and drop this off with a $200.00 deposit check at the Recreation Office at 108 Lamplighter. This check is not cashed, and is only held at the office to ensure that sufficient clean up is completed. You can pick up the deposit check after your event if Management does not encounter any issues. If you do not pick up the deposit check within 10 days of your event, it will be shredded. For any questions, please contact the Recreation Director at nlozano@keystonepacific.com.

**Filling out this form and providing the deposit check does NOT mean that you are allowed more than 6 guests. It also does not reserve any specific area of the pools for you, it only allows you to set up decorations.**

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