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Unfortunately Coyotes have become more popular amongst suburb areas, as well as parks and beaches. Please read some important facts to keep your family and pets safe.

Although Coyotes exhibit bold behavior in front of people, the chance of a human attack is quiet low. However; there are steps we can take to protect ourselves.

DO NOT feed coyotes. They will associate food with humans and that will significantly increase the likely hood of them attacking.

DO NOT let your pets roam free. Although it is rare for a human attack, it is quite commons for coyotes to attack pets! Especially cats and small dogs. Always keep an eye on your pets and make sure they are on leashes. THE BEST WAY TO PROTECT YOUR PET IS TO NOT LET THEM ROAM FREE.

You can attempt to frighten away coyotes by making loud noises (shouting, air horn, or banging pots and pans) and acting aggressively (e.g., waving your arms, throwing sticks, spraying with a garden hose). Homeowners should realize that if they live near suitable habitat, fencing may be the only method to completely eliminate coyotes from travelling near homes.

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